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Ask "Why" Before You Launch or Revamp your Website

23 Jul, 2012

You woke up and suddenly got the feeling that your business should have a website.

Not a bad idea. But wait! Why do you want to have a website? Is it because everyone has one? Or do you have some serious plan to generate business from the website?

Why Do You Want to Have a Website?

Let’s imagine you are into the business of selling products say custom t-shirts and you sell it offline via your outlets. Let’s also imagine that your business is performing well and generating good amount of revenue. 

Now you want to add a virtual outlet and want to sell your products in the UK or US from your country. That’s possible with an ecommerce website which will do sales for you 24/7. 

In this case, your purpose of having a website is to increase number of sales from X to XX. Keep this in mind from the beginning when building a website and you will never lose your track. 

Similarly, it is for service-based businesses where primary objective of the website should be to generate qualified leads for the business.  

What Your Website Does

When you intend to build or revamp your website, approach it from the end user perspective. Always keep a major call-to-action in mind and keep yourself in the user’s shoes. Ask “What would you have done if you had landed on the website”. This will keep your focus on your outcomes not on output.

How Your Site Should Look

Simple rule: The more attractive an item looks, the longer people will want to look at it.

An appealing website attracts users, engages them and motivates them to buy products. Good products and a user-centric website make a perfect match. 

Take it this way: 
You have a full fate in your products or services but your website is not reflecting how you do business and sell products or services. You do not have latest products up on your website, imagery is outdated, and marketing message is not line with your traditional media marketing. 

Give your users what they want. If you sell products, put them first. Nobody cares what you were in 1990. Simply, they don’t have time for it. 

So, plan your content well and then tie them together via appealing web design. You will see results.  

Monitor and Evolve

So let’s say you have launched a website and now you want to see actionable insights.

Thanks to Google analytics, that businesses are now able to track their website goals. 

Online store owner can see how many visitors poured in, their location, their browsing behavior and number of items they have purchased. With this kind monitoring in place, you want also understand why they left your website from the first page or landing page without making a purchase. 

If the bounce rate is higher, this indicates that either you are not bringing relevant traffic to your website or there is some problem with your website or marketing tactic.

Problems could be related to browser compatibility, slowness of the website or simply the headlines or images are not captivating enough.

With all this insights, businesses can not only understand the audiences but can use this information to improve their website performance.

We’d love to devise a web strategy for your business. Hire our web design company to build and promote your brand online. We have been doing for many businesses and would love to do it for you, too!

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