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Social Media Marketing

09 Jul, 2010 | 0 comments

Social networks embrace almost everyone regardless of any division, from college kids to business people to celebrities. It is expanding just like the Internet in the 1990s. But in terms of growth social networking is mounting much faster than the Internet as a whole. Numerous people are using them at an alarming pace with energetic move!

Social Media Marketing

Social Content Goes Mainstream

Thinking about Social Media brings in mind the friends network, sharing thoughts and emotions with them. But these days Social Media is more than that, it is a recent component of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC). IMC is followed to connect with the desired audience. Advertising, personal selling, public relations, publicity and the like synchronize the elements of promotional mix, which has its own importance.

The End of Interruption Marketing

Many years ago, there was a great influence of interruption marketing. Traditionally, interruption marketing is defined as the marketing communication that sidetracks customer’s activities and breaks off the concentration.

Just think about a moment when you started reading an article, you turn the page and a big leaf ad smacks you. Or you are watching a television show and a commercial appears to cut the most interesting scene. And while driving along a country road, admiring the scenery – there appears a huge billboard. Interruption marketing could be done through any medium, includes television, print, radio, neon signs and the like.

You never notice the past ads in the magazine nor you will keep your eyes on the television during the commercial, rather you use the commercial as an opportunity to grab some snacks. But when you go online and start socializing with other people, you will take part vigorously exchanging the thoughts!

Therefore, social media is considered to be the wisest medium to talk to your customers directly. Do some good write ups for your customers and prospects and definitely they will bring you in the discussion.

Word of Mouth: Far Reaching and Fast

Talking some positive words about anyone can easily convince the other. Yes, if you are getting the phrase “Word of Mouth”, you are so right at your place. Nothing is powerful more than customer’s testimonials in the marketing as it is the most valuable and least expensive mode of marketing. When any of your customer talks about your company to a friend or business partner, it’s a free promotion gifted for your good services!

On the internet, word of mouth spreads quicker than you ever thought possible. A customer review can be searched and is just a click away! And that can be read by millions of people in a matter of days!

So social networking brings you an opportunity to update people with your products or services, be an active participant and you will be the subject of many conversations which in result furnishes your brand globally!

Grab the Opportunity

Social Media provides you with a possibility of capturing the marketplace and whipping out your competitors. Yes, this can be done and it is just one fingertip away! Companies are now making themselves alert of different types of social media prevailing around the world. This will help them stay connected with their prospects and customers.

Social Media is becoming an essential component in the marketing discipline. The reason is pretty simply: people like connecting with other people.

If you are thinking to kick start your presence on social networks, we can help you to do so. Request for free quote now. Or contact us and we would be happy to assist you.

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